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Human Trafficking Is The Illegal Movement Of People With...

Shemar Mclean Literature- Hamilton Human Trafficking September 21, 2015 Informative Essay Human trafficking is the illegal movement of people with the use of force. Human trafficking is a major trouble that is occurring around the world. People are taken away from their homes some live to tell their story however some don t make it out alive. Many Children, Women, And vulnerable men are used in human trafficking. They are stripped of their innocence which leaves many with emotionally and physically scarred. Human trafficking affects the world because it s occurring in every country. Those who are involved in the act of human trafficking are arrested and are not released without bail. Human Trafficking is most prominent in Third and Fourth world countries. Human trafficking is an illegal business that happens in every county in the world. The individuals that are in charge of the trafficking make big bucks off the people they sell. The most common Gender in human trafficking would be females. However, Men and young children are also used as well. They are treated horribly and have horrible living conditions. For example, Men, women and children are all forced into doing things. Forced prostitution, forced labour, forced organ donations, selling of organs, even selling ova eggsâ€Å" ( This depicts what the victims have to go through when they are captured for human trafficking. This isShow MoreRelatedThe European Union Promote Unity And Equality Amongst The Fellow Member1137 Words   |  5 PagesUnion allows free movement of citizens apart of the union. The access to all members’ states solidifies a bond of the union but this free movement also allows for negative issues to arise. Due to the free movement amongst the EU many people are easily trafficked throughout the countries. The concept of this free movement is great for the people, but also many people are suffering from a violation of their human rights. 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Trafficking is very gruesomeRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Grave Crime And A Serious Violation Of Human Rights1555 Words   |  7 PagesHumana Trafficking Introduction Human trafficking refers to the practice of recruiting, transferring, transporting, receiving, or harboring people through the use of force, threat, or other forms of abduction, coercion, deception, fraud, as well as abuse of power or vulnerability position (Segrave 2). Human trafficking is a grave crime and a serious violation of human rights as it involves a broad range of human exploitations, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, slavery practices, as wellRead MoreProtecting The Victims Of Human Trafficking Essay1676 Words   |  7 Pages Protecting the Victims Most people confuse the term human trafficking with human smuggling. Human smuggling is business transaction between two willing parties involving movement across borders, usually by illegal means. Human trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. According to the Global Rescue Relief website, â€Å"The United States Department of State estimates that 800,000 women, children and men are internationallyRead MorePeople being Taken against Their will in Human Trafficking1075 Words   |  4 PagesHuman Trafficking – Politics The act of smuggling humans is an act that’s against the law, but it’s still being performed today. Although the government has been trying to stop human trafficking, it still an act that is going to most likely take years to nullify, since some victims fall for false hopes given to them by contractors, and some are sequestrated against their will. According to the U.S. State Department and the United Nations International Labor Organization – an

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