Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Media Influence On The Opinion Of Public On Certain...

Here I will discuss how media influence can affect the opinion of public on certain topics and how whether they provide evidence when explaining their concerns in the articles. Also, how they use different approaches and how the public perceives the article. The article tends to use a lot of words like â€Å"His belligerent intent†, â€Å"The biotech giants† or â€Å"big biotech companies† this putting forward how bad the GM crops and trying to make it sound very bad though in some cases it isn’t as bad as they make it. By using these it creates among readers and makes them disagree with it even more. By â€Å"His belligerent intent† it makes it seem like a joke already, even though they haven’t gotten into much detail yet, this showing where the article is already towards too in this one in particular towards the negative and bad sides of GM crops or as they call it â€Å"Frankenstein food†. Some of the concerns in the article are backed up by the use of evidence for example in the article they mention about GM food and how â€Å"Mr Paterson says he is now sure they are ‘a good thing’ and have ‘real environmental benefits’.† Though despite this they provide evidence to go against to what he is saying by mentioning specific research done before like â€Å"Most worrying are the findings of Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini and his team at the University of Caen in France, who found that rats fed for an extended period on GM maize were several times more likely to develop tumours of the digestive tract and sufferShow MoreRelatedExplain The Effects Of Family On Ones Political Values1171 Words   |  5 Pagesdemocracy, one has the privilege to directly vote on key public officials. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Era of Globalization Free Essays

This century is an era of globalization and with the high technology and transformation. As of 2011, one-third of the 2.26 billion of the world’s population are having internet access and this will be risen up to 40% by this year 2016 as projected by the Broadband Commission (Dron, J. We will write a custom essay sample on Era of Globalization or any similar topic only for you Order Now ; Anderson, T., 2014:3). The development of technology today and the integration of this modern technology into the learning process lead to educational evaluation and enhancement (Ataie F., 2015:47). The impact of the technology in the education of today is not new in the education process. The internet and other related technologies bring information, research, and literature direct to the classroom (Fewkes A. M. ; McCabe M., 2012:93). Technology gives the students free access to information and resources twenty-four hours in seven days (24/7), that enables them to create multimedia content and share it with the world, and that allows them to participate in online social networks and communities where people from all over the world share ideas, collaborate, and learn new things (U.S. Department of Education, 2010). Most of the students today are defined by their reliance on social media, their technological multitasking capabilities, and their propensity toward all things new (Mills N., 2011:345).The social media has become an integral part of modern society (Web Designer Depot staff, 2009) and also known as Web 2.0 (Dewing M., 2010 ; Cann A., Dimitriou K. ; Hooley T., 2011).). Social media are computer-mediated technologies that allow individuals, companies, NGOs, government, and other organization to view, create, and share information, ideas, career interests, and other form of expression via virtual communities and network (Wikipedia contributor, 2016). There are many kinds of social media, social networking (Facebook), micro blogging (Twitter), video sharing (YouTube), news aggregation (Google reader), social search (Google), and instant messaging (Yahoo! Messenger, Skype) (Zafarani, R., Abbasi, M. A., ; Liu, H., 2014). These social media tools produce information every day (Cann A., Dimitriou K. ; Hooley T., 2011; Al-rahmi, W. M., Othman, M. S., Yusof, L. M., ; Musa, M. A., 2015:267) and provides collaboration learning process by looking at the contributions of other students in the collaborative working space and by reflecting on their own contributions as well (Hopkins B., 2016, Balakrishnan, V., 2016:36). Through social media the students are able to interact with one another, build a sense of community, develop content, as well as require students to be active in their own learning through participating, thinking, and contributing (Casey and Evans, 2011; Al-rahmi, W. M., Othman, M. S., Yusof, L. M., ; Musa, M. A., 2015:265). The students are able to upload their ideas in a social media sites and receive feedback from others (Balakrishnan V., 2016:35). Social media become both medium of formal and informal learning process (Balakrishnan V., 2016:35).Collaboration becomes easy because social media makes connection and interaction of one another easily anytime, anywhere and it provides the chance to understand individuals and human behavioral patterns (Zafarani R., 2014). Learning through social media with others, therefore, is an opportunity, Dron J. ; Anderson T., 2014:9). Facebook specifically can be considered as way of communication for learners to exchange information (Al-rahmi, W. M., Othman, M. S., Yusof, L. M., ; Musa, M. A. 2015:266). Facebook is a social networking service launched on February 4, 2004 and was founded by Mark Zuckerberg. He founded Facebook while studying psychology at Harvard University (Phillips, S., 2005). Facebook has gained extreme popularity among the internet users over the past few years. This social network was intended for personal communication among individuals yet today many other organizations use it for their advantage (Alhomod, S. M., ; Shafi, M. M., 2012:52). In the first quarter of 2015 Facebook revealed that it had more than 1.44 billion monthly active users (up 13 percent year-over-year). Of those, 1.25 billion were mobile users; an increase of 24 percent year over year (Protalinski, E., 2015). Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts and currently sits at 1.59 billion monthly active users (Statista site, 2016). As of the fourth quarter of 2015, Facebook had 1.59 billion monthly active users. In the third quarter of 2012, the number of active Facebook users had surpassed 1 billion (Statista site, 2016). Mostly, people use Facebook for chatting, for sharing photos, for posting videos, for staying in touch and sharing personal news, plan meetings and get-together, do homework and business to gethers, find and contact long-lost friends and relatives (Collier, A., ; Magid, L., 2010:2). For the young users, they use Facebook for day-to-day news about their friends, acquaintances, relatives, and peer groups, collaborating on school work, validation or emotional support, self-expression and the identity exploration and formation that occurs in adolescent development (Collier, A., ; Magid, L., 2010:2). There are a lot of studies already conducted to know the connection between Facebook and educational process and these studies have established that Facebook can act as a tool of communication in the modern educational system (Alhomod, S. M., ; Shafi, M. M., 2012:52). Facebook, as social network, provides positive impacts in the educational sector. It creates a group or network, builds educational, integrates into current educational tools, and develops an educational application, shares topic information with other users of the Facebook (Alhomod, S. M., ; Shafi, M. M., 2012:53).A recent study of the attitudes of 107 students toward Facebook provides some insights and this study found out that Facebook was preferred over eLearning Commons as a classroom supplement. Many of the students were already familiar with Facebook, used it frequently and found it easy to navigate (Barczyk, C.C. ; Duncan, D.G., 2013:2). This means that one contribution of Facebook in the educational system is it serves as the source of knowledge and information outside the classroom where formal education process is done. Furthermore, the study provided that if used appropriately, Facebook may help to increase student engagement by cultivating classroom community and stimulating intellectual discourse, (Barczyk, C.C. ; Duncan, D.G., 2013:2). This means that Facebook can be used effectively for academic discussions (Barczyk, C.C. ; Duncan, D.G., 2013:2).Facebook enhances the learning process. This is the reason why most Facebook widely used by college students and colleges. As we mentioned already, the students can upload videos, pictures, post to bulletin boards, and participate in communication via e-mail and instant messaging (Toland, R., 2013:41). Then Facebook is a social network that connects students with other students and creating an indirectly learning community which is vital components of educational process (Toland, R., 2013:41). Finally, Facebook can be used as learning tool to develop cognitive learning skills of the students (Toland, R., 2013:41). How does collaboration happened in social media, in Facebook to be specific? According to Cann A., Dimitriou K. ; Hooley T. (2011) collaboration in social media involves academic research cycle, namely: Identification of knowledge, Creation of knowledge, Quality assurance of knowledge, and   Dissemination of knowledge. Cann A., Dimitriou K. ; Hooley T. (2011) defined collaboration as the work of all the people who might be involved in research including researchers, librarians, funders and the general public. Identification of information in social media is possible because of the connection with other people. Information also can be obtained through comments coming from the people you are connected through social media. Creation of knowledge is possible in social media through share ideas and/or advices coming from learned individual. Quality assurance of knowledge in social media is possible because of peer scrutiny and/or peer review. Dissemination of knowledge involves communication and/or engaging with the public and discussing related controversial issues. How to cite Era of Globalization, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

DNA Today free essay sample

A DNA Finn reprint is the same for every cell, tissue, and organ of a person. It cannot be altered by any known treatment. Consequently, DNA fingerprinting is rapidly becoming the primary method for identifying and distinguishing among individual human beings An additional application of DNA fingerprint technology is the diagnosis of inherited disorders in adults, children, and nub Ron babies. DNA fingerprinting is a laboratory procedure that requires six steps: (1) isolation 0 f DNA (2) cutting, sizing, and sorting, (3)transfer of DNA to nylon, (4 5) probing, and (6)DNA fin reprint.Part 2. NATIONAL CENTER FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY Ive used this website in my microbiology class to identify an unknown bacteria a using the sites DNA sequencing data using BLAST. BLAST for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool is an algorithm for comparing primary biological sequence information, such as the nonacid sequences of different proteins or the nucleotides Of DNA sequences . A BLAST search enables a researcher to compare a query sequence with a library or database of sequences, and identify library sequences that resemble the query sequence. We will write a custom essay sample on DNA Today or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This site conducts basic and applied research in computational, mathematical, and theoretical problems in molecular biology y and genetics, including genome analysis, sequence comparisons, sequence search method eulogies, macromolecular structure, dynamics and interaction, and structure/ function prediction. Not only does it conducts sequencing analysis but it also has the well known resource of Pumped. Pumped is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDICINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. Part 3. HUMAN GENOME PROJECT The Human Genome Project (HOG) was completed in 2003. T he Human Genome Project (HOG) was a arrear project coordinated by the U. S. Department of Energy (D OF) and the National Institutes of Health. Additional contributions came from Japan, Franc e, Germany, China, and others. Project goals were to identify all the approximately 20,500 genes in human DNA, determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA, store this information in databases, improve tools for data analysis, transfer r elated technologies o the private sector, and address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSE) that t may arise from the project.